Caribbean countries are suing Britain, France and the Netherlands and
demanding what could be hundreds of billions of pounds in reparations
for slavery.
175 years after Britain freed its last slaves in the West Indies, an
alliance of Caribbean nations is demanding to be repaid for the "awful,
lingering legacy of the Atlantic slave trade".
a group of 12 former British colonies together with the former French
colony Haiti and the Dutch-held Suriname, believes the European
governments should pay – and the UK in particular.
has hired the British law firm Leigh Day, which recently won
compensation for hundreds of Kenyans tortured by the British colonial
government during the Mau Mau rebellion of the 1950s.
has not specified how much money they are seeking, but senior officials
have pointed out that Britain paid slave owners £20 million when it
abolished slavery in 1834. That sum would be the equivalent of £200
billion (N51,240,329,177,549) today.
The story continues below (click on the images to enlarge and view them in Gallery mode)

The map above shows the main trans-Atlantic routes out of Africa during the slave trade from 1500s to 1900s

The map above
depicts the slave and non-slaveholding states at the outbreak of the
Civil War along with the dates when each non-slaveholding state legally
ended slavery
In the United States, the idea of
reparations has surfaced a number of times over the years, but have
never been paid out. At the end of the Civil War, around 400,000 acres
of land in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina were taken from former
slave owners and earmarked for freed slaves.
But the decision was reversed by
President Andrew Johnson after President Abraham Lincoln's assassination
in 1865, it was noted by Al Jazeera America.
In 2008, Barack Obama said he did not
support reparations to the descendants of slave, going against the views
of around two dozen members of Congress who sponsored legislation to
create a commission on slavery.
In the same year, the House apologised for slavery, with the Senate following suit in 2009, but neither mentioned compensation.

In its lawsuit, Caricom claims slavery condemned the region to a poverty that still afflicts it today.
And they are comparing their demand to Germany recompensing Jewish people for the Holocaust and New Zealand compensating Maoris.
"The awful legacy of these crimes
against humanity ought to be repaired for the developmental benefit of
our Caribbean societies and all our peoples," said Ralph Gonsalves, the
prime minister of the tiny Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. He called
it a "historic wrong that has to be righted".
Verene Shepherd, who is coordinating
Jamaica's demands for reparations, said their slave ancestors "got
nothing" when they were freed. "They got their freedom and they were
told 'Go develop yourselves'," she said.
Critics have pointed out that many of
Caricom's members are hardly poor – including millionaire havens such as
the Bahamas and Barbados.
Prime minister Tony Blair expressed
regret for the "unbearable suffering" caused by Britain’s role in
slavery in 2007, but made no mention of financial compensation. Britain
has said that paying reparations for slavery is the wrong way to address
"an historical problem".
Caricom insists they are hoping to
reach a settlement with the European countries and will only take legal
action if talks collapse.
A Caricom reparations commission has
been set up to work out should be paid and how much, led by Barbados
historian Sir Hilary Beckles.
Sir Hilary says they are "focusing" on Britain because it was the largest slave owner in the 1830s.
"The British made the most money out of
slavery and the slave trade - they got the lion's share. And,
importantly, they knew how to convert slave profits into industrial
profits," he said.
Some Caricom countries already get financial aid from Britain and other Commonwealth countries.

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