Ace Rapper Ice T's Wife, Coco Austin, Tweets Topless Gym Photos!
most people choose T-shirts and trainers when they're working out, Coco
Austin goes topless in a thong – with weird braces handing down – and
10inch stilettoes.The outrageous look was tweeted by Coco after she told
fans she would soon be launching a fitness app which would allow them
to have her as their personal trainer. And she tweeted: “This might be a
good profile.”In response to a fan’s question about her regime, she
revealed: “I work my legs & butt the most. My back is naturally
muscular.”And she added: “I’m 5’2 and 130 pounds.”
This babe and her weird ways eh. Ladies, can you pull this off? Continue to see another photo ...
Na her life oooo,since the hubby no cough wats my own