My son, if you accept my words? and store up my commands within you, 2 turning your ear to wisdom? and applying your heart to understanding, 3 and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, 4 and if you look for it as for silver? and search for it as for hidden treasure, 5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord? and find the knowledge of God. 6 For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. 7 He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, 8 for he guards the course of the just? and protects the way of his faithful ones. 9 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair-every good path. 10 For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. 11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you. Proverbs 2: 1-11
As a Christian, you need Godly wisdom, and Proverbs chapter two gets you thinking on the right path. Wisdom is like silver and we are instructed to search for it like hidden treasure. God grants favor for those who walk with Him, and protects the path of those who seek Him.
Don't try to write pages and pages. Write as concisely as you can, even bullet points are great. Keep it simple. The purpose is to evaluate your life in 2012 so you experience a greater 2013.
Eleven Great Questions:
- What are several of your most meaningful achievements and success stories this year?
This is a great way to start. Make a list of the things God helped you achieve this year that
you're most enthusiastic about. Express your gratitude to God and write a few notes of thanks to those who helped you. Reflect on which of your successes were things you planned and which were things God seemed to surprise you with.
- What do you need to stop doing?
This is one of my big questions every year. It's a tough one! And the truth is, if you're growing and taking new territory, you have to let go of some things in order to keep moving forward.
- What do you need to start doing?
You probably already know exactly what you need to start or restart in 2013. Perhaps you need to be consistent with exercise, or pray with your spouse, or be faithful to to God in your Tithing and Giving, or study the Bible a little more. Let me encourage you to list no more than three things. Any more may ensure that none of them happen. Keep your list short!
- What are two or three mistakes you made this year?
If you made a mistake or two of consequence, take heart that means you are alive! The important thing is to know what you learned from that mistake. I often tell people to make mistakes, make lots of mistakes, even make a big mistake. but never make the same mistake twice! Why? Because if you do you are not learning!
- Is there any regret you need to tend to?
In what condition are your primary relationships? Are there any misunderstandings that need to be corrected? Is there someone you need to forgive? Do you need to ask forgiveness? Perhaps your relationships are in great shape. Good! Was there a special project that you really need and want to finish but you didn't? The idea behind this question is to identify any regret that you can do something about, and do it soon in 2013.
- What is the last thing God said to you?
How does God speak to you? When does He seem to speak to you most often? For many years God consistently speaks to me while I am in the shower! What is God's fresh Word to you? Are you listening? Are you obeying? Are you enjoying your life with God? If you are more distant from God than you would like, how can you remedy that? Here's a helpful tip, don't make it complicated. Sometimes when I pray, and I don't know what to pray, or I don't feel connected, I just sit with God! I'm in my little room, Bible open, but with no pressure to perform. I'm simply in His presence.
- In what ways do you need to better love and care for your family?
This is very personal and that's probably why it's so important. Your life as a believer is essential, but it never trumps your personal life. The character and quality of your personal life
determines the character and quality of your Faith life. It's never the other way around. I suggest you consider the little things. At work we often talk of the "big priorities" but at home, it's often the little things that make the big difference. How might you be more loving at home? How might you serve your family better? Focus on what you give, not on what you don't get. You will never be unhappy with that choice.
- What one or two areas do you want to improve in as a Leader in 2013?
This is sometimes tough to see and measure. You may need to ask a trusted friend or two who knows you well. Candidly, if you haven't been involved in something specific in Church this year, it is unlikely you will notice any specific improvement. Get some wise counsel and focus in on a very short list of leadership skills to improve this coming year.
- What are the top seven things you hope to achieve in 2013?
What would you like to accomplish? What does your boss want to accomplish? What would your family like to experience from you? Dream big but don't get overwhelmed. It's easy to make a list of 29 things and we both know you won't do all that. Narrow it down, make the list count. Don't make the list in a vacuum, talk with the key people in your life. Be sure to have at least one thing that is personal. Maybe write a book
- Do you have the right spiritual relationships to help you achieve your goals in 2013?
The people you surround yourself with in and outside church will definitely affect you in more ways than you can imagine. Building great relationships with focused and driven believers will help you upgrade your performance in 2013. JOIN AN EXISTING GROUP OR START ONE THIS YEAR THAT FITS YOUR PASSION.
If so thank God. If not, what are your plans towards increasing your Giving to God, Investments.
(A). The World says Get ALL you can and CAN all you get
(B). In God's Kingdom, it is the opposite: Give and it shall be given unto you, good
measure, pressed down and shaken together, shall men give unto your bosom.
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