Naomi Braithwaite, a research fellow at Nottingham Trent University reveals five fashionTRENDS
that are bad for your health.

They include jeggings, Corsets, Oversized bags, Stilettos andCOSMETIC SURGERY

Read more below:
A trend unique to the 21st century, jeggings became prevalent from 2010.
They are an ultra-tight legging style that came from a merging of jeans and leggings.
Not only do jeggings come with a health warning, but they have been called 'the trend from hell' due to their unflattering and uncomfortable design.
Often seen as a fashion faux pas, jeggings have on occasion been banned in schools, due to their unsuitable – perhaps even indecent – nature.
On a more serious note, though, their tightness has been found to prevent air circulation around the crotch area, which has led to a recorded increase in yeast infections.
Cultural and fashion historian Valerie Steele has labelled the corset as one of the most controversial garments in the history of fashion.
The corset has been worn by women since the Renaissance.
The desire for achieving a tiny waist was offset by the pain that this perceived 'instrument of torture' most certainly inflicted upon its wearer.
The trend is exemplified perfectly by Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With The Wind, who desperately clung to aBED FRAME
as the laces of her corset were pulled tighter and tighter.
Steele's study withMEDICAL
researchers found that wearing tight corsets decreased lung capacity, caused damage to internal organs and even deformities of the skeleton.
Yet myths have also plagued the corset'sREPUTATION
: there's no evidence that women achieved staggeringly small waists of sixteen or even thirteen inches, or had ribs removed to better fit the garment.
Today's version of the corset is control underwear, best known as 'Spanx' poor 'waist trainer'. The modern trend for wearing a size too small of these waist trainers may cause abdominalPROBLEMS
. It should be done in moderation.
A trend unique to the 21st century, jeggings became prevalent from 2010.
They are an ultra-tight legging style that came from a merging of jeans and leggings.
Not only do jeggings come with a health warning, but they have been called 'the trend from hell' due to their unflattering and uncomfortable design.
Often seen as a fashion faux pas, jeggings have on occasion been banned in schools, due to their unsuitable – perhaps even indecent – nature.
On a more serious note, though, their tightness has been found to prevent air circulation around the crotch area, which has led to a recorded increase in yeast infections.
Cultural and fashion historian Valerie Steele has labelled the corset as one of the most controversial garments in the history of fashion.
The corset has been worn by women since the Renaissance.
The desire for achieving a tiny waist was offset by the pain that this perceived 'instrument of torture' most certainly inflicted upon its wearer.
The trend is exemplified perfectly by Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With The Wind, who desperately clung to aBED FRAME

Steele's study withMEDICAL

Yet myths have also plagued the corset'sREPUTATION

Today's version of the corset is control underwear, best known as 'Spanx' poor 'waist trainer'. The modern trend for wearing a size too small of these waist trainers may cause abdominalPROBLEMS

Corsets, such as that Kim KardashianCREDITS
her enviable curves to, can trigger abdominal pains, say experts

The huge Karl Lagerfeld Chanel Hula Hoop handbag catapulted oversized handbags into the fashion spotlight in 2012, but the garments canCAUSE BACK PAIN
, a dramatic change in posture and headaches

In 2012, Karl Lagerfeld sent Chanels' huge Hula Hoop handbag down the catwalk, and catapulted the trend for oversized handbags into mainstream fashion.
The consequences of using huge handbags has resulted in a reported increase inBACK PAIN

With an average weight of 6.2kg, these bags may have lasting effects through arthritis and disc degeneration.
It isn't just the size and weight of the bag though – apparently, how you hold it matters too, as experts advise against carrying them on bent elbows.

Stilettos push the body into an unnatural position and can alter the structure of muscles and tendons
These high heels are characterised by a thin metal heel.
They entered the fashion market during the 1950's, when women were celebrating their femininity and renewed freedom in the post-War period.
Similar to the corset, the stiletto pushes the body into an unnatural position, veering between restriction and oppression and its tendency to be associated with pain.

The height of this style not only impacts posture and gait; research proves it can alter the structure of muscles and tendons.

Celebrity culture and our desire for a more perfect self image has seen a significant growth in the trends forCOSMETIC SURGERY

This growth has been fuelled by the increasing ease of accessibility for different surgical procedures and treatments.
On a par with clothing and accessories, cosmetic surgery seems to have fallen prey to fashion's cycle of seasonal trends, with surgeons even predicting theNEXT

The media is awash with articles that show the dangers of cosmetic procedures, from burstingBREAST IMPLANTS

Yet despite these warnings, the rather dramatic and life-changing quest for 'perfect' beauty persists.
Fashion trends are more usually associated with fun and frivolity, and notably a limited lifespan.
But these examples demonstrate how the pendulum of fashion can swing dramatically between agony and ecstasy.
So trend setters take heed: in some cases, fashion really can be bad for your health.

Despite regular warnings over the dangers associated withCOSMETIC SURGERY
, still people opt to go under the knife in their quest for the 'perfect' figure

The things we women go through in the name of fashion...sigh.
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