Latoya Ammons (pictured left) moved into
a home
with her mother and 3 children in Gary, Indiana in 2011 and started
hearing footsteps in the basement. Over time, she and her children, aged
12, 9 and 8, became 'possessed'; their eyes would bulge, they'd shake
and growl. A clairvoyant
said the home was haunted by 200 demons. Sons
were taken to hospital after one was inexplicably thrown in the house.
While there a nurse and a CPS worker saw him walk backwards up a wall.
Full story below..
It is a clear, calm voice – a whisper that cuts across the voices of the Indiana police officers recording proceedings.
– a simple word rendered chilling because nobody present in the
basement that day said it, much less heard it, at the time.
of the police officers sent to investigate claims of supernatural
occurrences, possession and paranormal activity at a modest rental home
in Gary, Indiana in spring 2012 really believed this could be anything
other than a hoax. None of them thought that they would be descending into ‘a portal to hell.’

But today that is exactly what Gary
Indiana police captain Charles Austin (pictured above) believes the basement of Latoya
Ammons’s former family home contained.
Speaking to MailOnline he said:
‘Everyone of us who was there that day in the basement and who saw what
we saw, went through what we went through after…we all think the same,
we all call it the same. That bit of dirt is a portal to hell.
came into work on the Monday and asked my sergeant if anything had
occurred out of the ordinary over the weekend. He told me that there had
been a contact by a party in reference to a house in Carolina Street
where the mother was living with three children and her mother, their
Since the news
of the so-called possession and exorcism of Latoya Ammons broke the
story has been met with intense skeptism by some and unwavering belief
by others. But no-one can remain unmoved or unsettled by this odd,
alarming tale.
has spoken with the key officials involved in the investigation at its
very beginning and the exorcism in which it culminated. And both men –
one of the law, one of the cloth
– admit to having followed that same
arch of disbelief giving way to horrified credence.
When Capt Austin heard of it that Monday afternoon his sergeant told him that Child Protection Services were involved.
children had been missing school and had been removed from their
mother’s care but both Latoya Ammons and her mother Rose Campbell
insisted that the wrong at the heart of their household was supernatural
in nature.
Capt Austin said: ‘The sergeant told
me that the children had been missing school and there was talk of
satanic goings on. He was very leery of it. I contacted some people,
high-ranking officers; we decided to take a look.
‘I walked in there thinking this was nothing but a hoax, a concocted story.’
what he experienced that day in the spring of 2012 shook him to his
core, threatened his life and became part of the documented history of
one of the most disturbing and baffling cases in Indiana’s police
That voice - picked
up by a police tape recorder as Capt Austin and his colleagues recorded
their tour around the house with a growing sense of unease – was either
a welcome or a challenge, according to Capt Austin, 62, but whatever it
was, it was not human.
Capt Austin’s assertions were echoed by Roman Catholic priest Father Michael Maginot, also interviewed by MailOnline.
Cops and child protection workers were also spooked during visits to
the home in Gary, Indiana (pictured). In this image, a figure appears in
a window, right, although no one was home |
A close-up of the image shows the cloudy white figure in the window of the home |
Most of the problems at the home were around the basement stairs,
pictured. Police dug a four foot hole under the stairs to look for
Father Maginot may be a more natural
candidate to believe in supernatural phenomenon than a cop of 37 years'
standing who prides himself in being an ‘aggressive and assertive law
But, like Capt
Austin, he set out to disprove the story forwarded by Latoya Ammons and
her mother Rose. Instead he would conduct one minor and three major
exorcisms on the mother of three and told MailOnline that he himself had
been the target of demonic attack for his involvement in the case.
a six-month period Latoya claims that she and her children were
possessed by demons. She says that the house in which they lived was
ravaged by malevolent spirits, that her daughter, then 12, and sons, 9
and 7 respectively were physically attacked – thrown against furniture,
dragged from the sofa, punched and tormented till their gums
and noses
bled and they struggled to breath.
a family she says they fell ill – she to three kidney infections, her
children to a variety of ailments and disturbances. She says the house
‘dripped oil,’ that shadowy figures walked the rooms at night, that
footsteps could be heard coming up from the basement only to be followed
by a furious pounding on the door leading form it to the main house
when, in increasing terror, she and her mother put a lock on it.
Father Maginot says he set out to disprove the claims but instead became utterly convinced of them
There were swarms of dead horseflies
on the porch – swept up one day only to return in equal abundance the
next. Lights flickered, phones played up, television signals scrambled
and reverted to normal on a whim.
short, she claims, the family was terrorized beyond all endurance. And
the impact in school-time lost and medical treatment sought saw the
Department of Child Protection Services step in and call in first he
police, and finally after one particularly harrowing event, Father
Sitting before the
fire in the main room of St Stephen the Martyr’s rectory in
Merrillville, Indiana Father Maginot admitted he only became involved by
chance. He happened to be covering for the usual chaplain of Gary ER on
the weekend when a medic called in some distress to report a bizarre
He said: ‘We
were having our bible study after mass when I got the call saying
“You’re a Catholic priest. You do exorcisms. We need you to do one.”
They went onto tell me that a little boy had just walked, glided,
backwards up a wall and flipped over to land on his feet.
‘They said he was growling, they described all sorts of things. I went of course.’
Father Maginot speaks rapidly and
earnestly. He is affable, open and welcoming but he is no fool. He set
out, he insisted, to disprove any notion of the occult. To do an
exorcism permission is needed from the Bishop and, to be frank, he
admitted he was reluctant to go down that path having approached Bishop
Dale J Melczek, Bishop of Gary some years earlier on another matter
involving possible supernatural events only to receive short shrift.
said: ‘I set out to disprove it because to be honest I didn’t want to
get the bishop involved. But I had policemen, social workers, doctors
and security guards
telling me what they had witnessed.
‘I couldn’t just dismiss them all. That was a Friday. So I met with the mother and grandmother on the Sunday.’
n an involvement with the case spanning five months Fr Maginot never met or examined any of the children.
But he became convinced, he said, that
Latoya was indeed possessed and that the house in which she and her
children lived had become cursed as a result of a hex placed on her.
his head, aware perhaps of how unbelievable the story, he admitted; ‘I
think there was a curse placed on the mother, that she was the focus
possibly by an ex-boyfriend or his wife and that that combined with some
tragedy and perhaps occult practices that had taken place in that house
before and that had opened a portal.’
It is the conclusion Capt Austin has drawn against every logical thought that told him that just could not be true.
from Gary Police Department Headquarters, he has run every department
from narcotics to homicide, gang intelligence to autodetail. He has
taught 500 officers and received the department’s highest reward for his
service. He doesn’t believe in the sort of ‘garbage’ he thought he was
being fed in by the two women at Caroline Street in Gary two spring’s
He said: ‘I was
skeptical. I was leading the pack through the house. We walked in and
the first thing we see is in the living room there’s a candle burning
and a bible and a little altar with a crucifix – same in every room in
the house. There was a drawing on the refrigerator done by one of the
boys that was Jesus on the cross but behind him there looked like
demonic figures.’

There were similar drawings elsewhere
he recalled. He sat as Latoya’s mother, Rose, told him how the Venetian
blinds would get wet and appear to drip oil, that the basement door
would open and close and that they heard a dog barking sometimes and
Capt. Austin listened but, he said, ‘I thought it was a joke.’
But the further into the house he investigated the less comfortable he felt. Things just seemed ‘odd.’
said: ‘Underneath the stairs was dirt and a candle. I was trying to
figure out what was going on there because the rest of the basement was
‘I took pictures of the candles and crucifix under the stairs on the dirt.’
pictures, taken on his iPhone, subsequently disappeared he said and the
phone which he used that day never behaved the same again.
But before those
images disappeared, he said, he saw that they contained figures he had
not seen before; figures he said were not there before, standing around
him and beneath the stairs.
to Capt. Austin: ‘The officer behind me took pictures of me standing in
front of him and in his pictures he saw lots of figures too.’
the practiced narration of an experienced witness, Capt. Austin
continued: ‘I said, “Enough of this garbage.” On leaving the property I
went to a gas station and made a phone call.
had my police radio, my squad car dash AM/FM radio, my police cell and
my iPhone. I was looking at the pictures I had taken on my iPhone when I
made this call and all of a sudden this growling voice came from my
AM/FM radio.
‘It said, “YOU OUTTA HERE” Then a lot of garbled other stuff and static.’
The memory clearly disturbs the veteran officer to this day. He said: ‘I’m thinking something is seriously wrong here.’
he called his fellow officer who told him, ‘Those pictures that we took
under the stairs, there’s silhouettes of other people under the stairs
with you.’
After that,
according to Capt. Austin, every other officer present that day had
problems with their radios, phones and house alarms.
Most alarming for Capt. Austin was an incident he had two weeks later when he was, he said bluntly, ‘attacked.’
home in his Infiniti SUV he said, ‘the electric door to my garage would
not open. It had been fine before. I pressed the keypad it must have
been 10 times then gave up.
exited the vehicle and went to flip the main power in the garage but
that didn’t work, then the house and finally that worked.
when I went back to my car the drivers seat was just moving backwards
and forwards by itself. Backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards.
I took the car to the shop to get it looked into they said if I hadn’t
brought it in it could have caused an accident and I could have been
killed because for some reason the seat was about to collapse.’
The next time Capt. Austin was in the house it was with Father Maginot several weeks later.
brought a dog, thinking perhaps they would find a crime scene, perhaps
human remains, that might account for the disturbances but the dogs
found nothing.
The men dug,
five foot down into the dirt in the basement and unearthed a bizarre
collection of objects: boys’ socks with the ankle portion cut out, a
fake fingernail, women’s panties, a heavy, corroded iron weight, a
broken plastic shoe horn and a red oval kettle lid.
Household trash? Or objects ritualistically buried in an attempt to summon something up or keep something at bay?
then even the most level-headed present were open to the latter
explanation and several of the people who had visited the house on the
first inspection, including the original CPS case worker, had become so
shaken by the day and its aftermath that they refused to go back.
Now that the Ammons family have moved out the new tenants claim they
have had no problems, certainly not any of demonic possession
Father Maginot’s experience of the exorcisms of Latoya Ammons is similarly unnerving.
He met with Latoya and her mother at the house and, he said, for two hours they conducted an interview without any incident.
women told him what they claimed was going on – the footsteps, the
pounding, sometimes an animal growling, the horseflies, the youngest boy
was often found talking to another boy whom no-one else could see and
then there was the jarringly horrible tale of an ‘old woman with red
eyes’ who disappeared as suddenly as she had appeared to the children in
the yard one day.
He said:
‘Only the children saw definite figures but the grandmother saw a shadow
of a man and they would find dirty footsteps in the front from in the
morning just paced to and fro and going nowhere.
things are easier to deal with,’ said Father Maginot, explaining, ‘A
lot of the time as Catholics you can have a mass, pray for them, tell
them to go into the light, not to be afraid. But demons are different.
You're inviting in guests from other realms and they don't necessarily
want to leave.'’
During his visit to the Carolina
Street house Father Maginot said that among the many strange phenomenon
he witnessed were walls dripping with oil, Venetian blind rods tilting
from side to side in unison and apparently for no reasons, seemingly set
footprints appearing on the floor.
repeatedly flickered then stopped when approached in such a way that
the priest became convinced this was ‘an intelligence’ not simply an
electric fault.
The final
straw, the family told him, was when they were sitting as a family
watching television and a bottle of Febreeze floated up, moved to and
fro in the air before being hurled into Latoya’s room, smashing a lamp.
In the aftermath they saw the shadow of a man.
They left the house for a hotel that night and never returned to live there again.
who had visited the house and told Latoya she saw ‘hundreds
of demons’ in the basement had told her to anoint the house with oil
and put salt down to seal the gateways to demons.
Maginot did the same during his visit uttering blessings and trying, at
every turn, to find a logical explanation for the things he was seeing
and the things these women were telling him. But increasingly he
He said: ‘I was trying to find a focus for it, to understand where it was coming from because that can help solve these things.’
Maginot became convinced that Latoya’s former lover was a ‘trigger’ or
possible ‘source.’ Every time he asked her about this man – who is not
the father of any of the children – Latoya complained of more symptoms
of the possession, fever, cold, headaches, nausea and convulsions.
said: ‘After almost four hours when she was going through one of these
moments I took my crucifix and put it to her forehead and she began
‘I had thought the
demons were with the kids but now I could see they were with her. She
was the source. They jumped from her and they jumped from child to child
– they would pick up each other’s chants, or convulse in turn, act
crazy, or growl in turn. But they were with her.
‘I said, that’s enough. We’re not prepared to do an exorcism here but I’ve got enough there’s no need to torture anyone.’
on June 1, 8th and 29th Latoya came to St Stephen the Martyr, Church in
Merrillville and submitted to three major exorcisms.
had, by then, moved out of the Carolina Street house in Gary and was
living in a new apartment in Illinois. At the time the children were in
state care but they have since been returned to their mother and
Maginot recalled: ‘I carried out the first exorcism in English and there
was no incident. It was like it had already gone but they do say they
play possum.’
Father Maginot
gave Latoya a crucifix and a rosary made of Benedictine medals. As she
left the church the rosary ripped into five pieces.
Father Maginot said: ‘I said, “I don’t think we’re done here.”’
Latoya reported to the priest that the corpus, the figure of Christ on
the crucifix he had given her, had similarly been torn off.
'I had to figure out how to provoke the demons and drive them out,’ Father Maginot said, rocking to and fro in his easy chair
had researched names and felt two belonged to her demons. Father
Maginot will not repeat either - one is a biblical name, other is not –
because he does not want to risk calling them.
explained: ‘It’s a very personal thing. Once you have their name, it’s
as though you have them caught. They like to work in mystery and
darkness. Once you shine a light you show their limitations and they
don’t like that.’
As if to prove that point Father Maginot recalled how he was ‘attacked by demons’ the day before the second exorcism.
riding his bike a series of near accidents and unsettling moments
climaxed with him being seemingly spontaneously thrown from the saddle
of his bike into the grass at the side of the bicycle path he was
He said: ‘I
looked and saw that the seat of my bike was completely twisted but it
made no sense because it was absolutely tight and I had to really pound
it to straighten it out. I was in no doubt I had been attacked. I was
being warned.’
The second
exorcism saw a more violent response. The exorcism is, Father Maginot
explained, a ritual repeated over and over, with the priest narrowing in
on the demon and its triggers.
said: ‘You try to protect yourself as much as you can. You go to
confession because if there are any unconfessed sins it will use that.
‘It will use anything possible to deflect, or distract or scare you.
‘You will think you’re torturing the person but you’re not. You’re torturing the demon.’
The final exorcism was in Latin – praising God and condemning the demon.
parts that were praising God there was no reaction from Latoya,’ Father
Maginot recalled. ‘The parts condemning the demon she convulsed which
was interesting to me as she doesn’t know Latin.’
Latoya said she felt herself being pulled up as if to levitate but Father Maginot saw no sign of that.
After third exorcism Latoya fell asleep he recalled. He gave her the now mended rosary and she took it home with her.
never heard from her again,’ he said. ‘I was anticipating more. I was
anticipating another at least but it turned out the game was over.'
the final exorcism Father Maginot visited the house and blessed it with
what he referred to as a 'more serious blessing.' He said: 'This
involved incense and salt and Holy Water.'
were already new tenants in place and they had reported no problems
since the priest had 'sealed' the portal with salt and blessings
following an earlier investigation.
he said, he told landlord Charles Reed, 'If we don't deal with this
now, properly, this will not go away. This will close the portal and
seal it.'
Father Maginot
is in no doubt that the possession was real and that everything that
happened to Latoya and her children and everything that others witnessed
was the work of demons – fallen angels, God’s creatures turned against
God and against man.
And for
all his reluctance the same seems to be true of Capt. Austin. He said:
‘It shook me, everything to do with this. It shook me. This was a
situation that was so out of my normal habitat. Did it shake me? Yes to a
certain degree it did.
Source: UK Daily Mail
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