Nakuru is the capital of Kenya's Nakuru County. It has 307,990 inhabitants, making it the fourth largest urban centre in the country and the largest urban centre in the Kenyan Mid-West. Acording to reports from local media, lesbians are becoming the most popular entertainers in local pubs there.
It seems that good-looking Kenyan girls offer a variety of séxual nutrition to their lady lovers. Unlike in 'usual' circumstances, women have reversed the role and openly rival men in the seduction game.
In a local Nakuru keg pub that is allegedly frequented by lesbians, men sit in groups as they watch the queens of seduction go about their thing.
Young men, locals say, are hooked to alcohol and drugs. Thus, they become disinterested in women due to socio-economic constraints. Many young women, sources say, don't get any financial or séxual satisfaction from their male partners. Hence, they get attracted to other women who can make their ends meet.
"Surely, the world has burst," says a male club's patron.
"Let the queens of seduction entertain you, but never dare make a silly move lest you face the wrath of her lover," another club's visitor says.
Physical confrontations and bitter exchanges of words often occur after either a male lover feels threatened by a lesbian who may want to snatch away his girlfriend, or vice versa.
Day and night, these "female predators" roam the local joints hunting for their prey. They claim to be champions of love and are never ashamed to shower their loved ones with love whether in public or in bed. They are loaded with money, moving from one pub to another looking for girls to love.
Local men are now afraid to lose their female lovers, as ladies in Mawanga entertainment joints are rushing to bathe and swim in the "demonic love" of using fingers, kissing, caressing, licking, séx toys, dirty talk, heavy drinking and smoking, dirty dance, séxy wear and lesbian porn.
Some women have been permanently converted to this new business in town, and it is now threatening to overshadow prostitution and increase the rate of bachelorhood in the society. Such women would save their lovers' numbers using funny names - Sweety, Baby, Dream Gal, My Dia, Baby Gal - among others. When one scrolls through the messages, the reality that lesbianism is real and rapidly spreading in Kenyan communities comes to light.
Nina, 32, says that with some money and a few tosses of cheap alcohol, she can get "a full night of entertainment" from a lady lover. She says that she has a stream of she-lovers - some in and out of town - that she treats just the way a man would treat a lady lover.
"Give me a chance with your girlfriend, and I will win her over and leave you flabbergasted," she boasts.
She goes on, "I am a champion in this game. I will give her passion until she feels like riding on a horse to the moon. She will feel pleasantly surprised because I will give her wild romance like never before. Remember, we are the most jealous. Once she becomes mine, I never want to see her near a man or another woman."
Though depicted as an evil practice and a taboo in many African societies, lesbianism is slowly spreading among modern African women, especially in urban areas and learning institutions. Activism and new laws in some countries across the world have made it easy for lesbianism to flourish.
While widely criticized as unnatural, funny and a deviation from God-given séxual order, lesbianism is slowly registering more converts in many countries including those in Africa. Social scientists say that the society will soon accept it as one of the many forms of séx.
Currently, many African governments are up-in arms with the United Nations for petitioning African governments to pass laws that recognize gay rights. Many local experts have admonished the UN for trying to interfere with African traditions. Like in Nigeria, the Kenyan constitution does not recognize unnatural séxual acts.
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