Akudo George is pregnant. The 21-year-old woman got married about 10
months earlier and is naturally excited. She has always been in high
spirit though, but an experience she had in Oyingbo market, Ebute Meta
in Lagos left her petrified.
Seven months pregnant George was haggling with a fruit seller when
she heard someone say, “Please give me money.” She turned to behold a
small man standing beside her. The man’s features showed that though
small in stature, he was not a kid but a full grown adult.
She recalled, “I was petrified. I just handed the money I was about
to pay the fruit seller to the little man. I felt dizzy all of a
sudden. The little man took the money and said, ‘thank you very much
madam. Don’t be scared. I mean you no harm. Life is tough for people
like us. God bless you. You’ll give birth to very tall children’. I said
‘amen’ weakly. It wasn’t a pleasant encounter. I went through the
remaining weeks of the pregnancy in a daze. I had heard stories of how
normal babies changed to other things in the womb. I had to tell my
husband, doctor and mother. I prayed. That was 36 years ago. My son,
Chibuzor, grew into a healthy man. But that pregnancy was difficult
because I developed high blood pressure because of that chance encounter
with a little man.”
If George felt this way just because a ‘little man’ approached her, what about the feeling of the ‘little man’?
Mr. Moses Ogbaji is 29 years old, but his three-foot height sharply
belies his age. However, his face and mannerisms show the maturity that
is seemingly lacking in his tiny frame.
Ogbaji is a dwarf, but this did not stop him from fantasising about
being a pilot, particularly in his childhood. Even as a grown man,
Ogbaji said he sometimes wishes he was taller, so he could have a shot
at fulfilling his childhood fantasy.
He said. “I wish that I could be a pilot; to be up in the air and
travelling everywhere. I remember dreaming about it, especially when I
was younger, but a person of my stature cannot be a pilot. So I will
have to miss not having the opportunity to become a pilot in my
According to the Little People of America, a non-profit
organisation that offers support to dwarfs and their families, dwarfism
is “an adult height of four feet 10 inches (147 cm) or under, as a
result of medical or genetic condition.”
In general terms, dwarfism is a condition of short stature.
Indeed, job preferences for dwarfs are limited, particularly in a
developing country like Nigeria. Dwarfs are also not considered to be
suitable for driving, joining the security force or taking part in
sporting activities, such as athletics, that tend to emphasise the use
of limbs. But beyond that, dwarfs are generally considered to be at a
disadvantage in a world dominated by relatively tall people. They are
often bullied, cheated and jeered in educational, work and social
Also, dwarfs are called by different names, mostly derogatory, in
different places and languages. For instance, they are ‘Arara’ in Yoruba
and ‘Gagere’ or ‘Wada’ in Hausa.
In Igbo, the name for dwarfs is ‘Akakpo’, which is sometimes used
as an insult to any one considered as short. It is also said that if a
woman insults an ‘Akakpo’, she will end up giving birth to one.
But universally, midget is a common term used to describe dwarfs,
but it is also often regarded as offensive. In places like Canada and
the US, many dwarfs now prefer to be called ‘little people’, but this
has not yet caught on across the world, with some people still referring
to dwarfs as ‘pygmies’.
Pygmies are an ethnic group of averagely short adult people that
can be found in some African countries including Cameroon, Gabon,
Angola, Botswana, Rwanda, Burundi, Central African Republic and the
Democratic Republic of Congo, where they are said to make up two per
cent of its population.
However, Ogbaji, who hails from Oju Local Government Area of Benue
State, said people sometimes call him ‘Congo’ on the streets of Lagos.
“Some people call us ‘Congo’; they will say that we are from the Democratic Republic of Congo and not Nigeria,” he said.
Basically, dwarfs face stigma and discrimination because of their
stature, so they consequently withdraw socially and tend to associate
more with fellow dwarfs by clustering together.
In Lagos, Moyosore Abiodun Shopping Complex, Oshodi and Ebute-Ilaje
in Bariga area serve as base where dwarfs of various ethnic groups from
across the country are found.
Chibuna Emeka, 20, who is the only dwarf in his family, said most
of them are into film making to survive the public ridicule they face,
along with the limited opportunities available to them. Even with that,
Emeka claimed that they are often cheated by other people in the movie
industry, and therefore, resolved to the marketing of CDs themselves.
“People look at us and laugh but I know that I didn’t create
myself. We gather here in the morning, and then we go out to market and
converge here in the evening,” Emeka said.
He is married to a tall woman, Chinasa, and they have a daughter
who is not a dwarf. Emeka said he was pleased that his daughter,
Happiness, did not take after him and so, saved from the pains that
characterised his childhood. Emeka, who grew up in Abia State, only had
elementary education because according to him, much of his childhood was
spent as a lonely boy.
He said, “I was always alone and I had no friends; it was how my mind wanted it.”
But in spite of his stature and unlike Emeka, Ogbaji considered
himself a ‘yuppy dwarf’ and his dressing bore testimony to his claim.
While speaking to Saturday PUNCH, Ogbaji had two earrings on
his left ear, one on his right and another ring to adorned his nose. His
permed hair, combed backwards, was black and shiny.
Ogbaji drinks, goes clubbing and even asks women for a dance,
although he admitted that his advances are not always successful and
that dancing with a tall woman could sometimes be awkward. He said
little men are good in bed that women fight over them, adding that he
has two tall girlfriends, one of whom might become his wife later in the
“I have two girlfriends and they are tall. I wooed the first one
but it was the second one who wooed me and now, they are fighting over
me,” Ogbaji said, attributing his love dilemma to his ‘dress sense’ and
‘sweet loving’ nature.
He said he was lucky to get his first girlfriend to agree after
several failed attempts to get a woman. Ogbaji recalled an unpleasant
experience he had with a lady, who declined his love advances some years
“I was lucky with my girlfriend. I remember one tall girl I wooed
one day, who said, ‘you no dey shame? You short person coming to meet
me’. She laughed and said she didn’t want a child that would look like
me,” Ogbaji said, adding that the lady left him standing as she walked
Even though, Ogbaji has starred in several movies including Golden House and Land of the Dwarf, he said he still sometimes feels bad when people jeer at him and call him names.
He said, “I always tell them that I’m a normal human being but sometimes, I still feel annoyed with myself.”
A consultant family physician with special interest in mental
health, Dr. Gbolahan Abideen, of the Nigerian Airforce Hospital, Ikeja,
said dwarfism could be caused by any or more than 200 conditions,
identifying the two categories of dwarfism as ‘proportionate’ and
According to him, people with proportionate dwarfism are unusually
small, but with bodies that are normally proportioned, while those with
disproportionate dwarfism have one or more body parts with apparent
growth variations. Abideen, however, identified disproportionate
dwarfism as the more common type and abnormal bone growth, which is
genetic, as its most common cause. In addition, Abideen said dwarfism
could be hereditary or come as a result of growth hormone deficiency.
He said, “’Achondroplasia’, which is an abnormality with bone
development, is the most common form of dwarfism. It’s responsible for
about 70 per cent of the dwarfism cases you find around. What you
essentially find in them is big heads, big tummies, abnormally short
limbs and protruding chests as a result of curved backbone.
“When the cause is hormonal, two dwarfs could marry each other and
their children would grow tall, but when it’s hereditary or familial, it
means that it runs in the family; an example of this is the pygmies.”
Abideen added that dwarfs in Nigeria are usually disadvantaged from
birth as “they are a point of ridicule in childhood and an object of
discrimination in adulthood.” He, however, noted that the solution lies
with the society, which “should be encouraging and supporting them.”
He said, “They (dwarfs) don’t get jobs and even when they get, they
are given the lowest of the low, like cleaning and so on. In school,
they get so much attention and sometimes sympathy, so they sometimes end
up having low self esteem and that’s why many of them don’t finish
“They are bullied, they are called by derogatory names. So because
of the discrimination, they tend to cluster together. Some of them get
depressed, particularly in their teenage years when their peers are
growing, and they tend to remain the same. Most times, you also find
that they are poor because they are unable to get good jobs.”
Abideen also added that dwarfs’ “intellect is intact, in spite of their small size.”
“What they need is for the society to support them so they can
blossom and reach their full potential. They do not need dole-outs or
people’s sympathy, what they need is empathy,” he said.
Ms. Abiodun Christiana Abon, a dwarf, said she once ran into a
woman on the road, who screamed upon sighting her. Abon said she felt
embarrassed and could not understand why the woman made a fuss about
meeting a dwarf on the road.
She said, “Our daily life is supposed to be normal, but it’s not.
When people see us on the street, they call us all sorts of names and
look down on us like we are not part of the society.”
Abon said that growing up was particularly tough for her because
her mother deserted the family because of her stature. Although her
father is late, Abon said she would forever be grateful to him for his
support to her while he was alive.
She said, “But the worst feeling is when the discrimination comes
from within the family. I was still small when my mother left us because
of me. At a time, while growing up, I felt dejected. But my father was
always there for me until his death when I had to stop school.
“I had planned to study law before my father died and I still wish
to if I can get the support; but the truth is that it’s not easy for
dwarfs in this country.”
According to Abon, her wish to study law came one day when her dad
took her to meet a female medical doctor, who was also a dwarf.
She said, “The woman encouraged me and told me that she did not
know her biological parents because they dumped her somewhere. It was
her foster parents who nurtured and gave her all the support she needed
to become somebody. Right there and then, although I was still in
primary school, I decided to become a lawyer, but unfortunately, my
father died.
“It is very difficult to get a job. Many dwarfs no longer bother to
look for jobs and the trend is also discouraging the young ones from
going to school since the best chance they have is to be self-employed
or be a trader.”
Abon, who has a Catering and Hotel Management certificate from a
catering institute, recalled her experience when she was posted to an
eatery for industrial training.
She said, “I was there with four others but I was the only dwarf.
They called the four others into the office, attended to them, but I was
left there and nobody told me what was going on.
“After waiting for about five hours, I spoke to an employee, who
told me that the manager was busy and that I could come back the next
Abon said she met the manager as he was arriving for work the
following day, but that he only gave her an illustration to explain why
he would reject her.
She said, “He gave me an apron to put on and took me to the
kitchen. In the kitchen, he showed me their huge cooker and said he
would not take me because of my height. He said I would not be able to
use the cooker.
“By then, I had started crying. He counted some money and gave to
me, which I rejected. Instead of giving me where I could fit in, he was
comparing me with the cooker.”
Abon said it is common to find a significant number of female
dwarfs who are single mothers, because most men are only interested in
them for séx.
She said, “Men are only after having séx with us just to see if it
is different from what they are used to. And even when we find sincere
ones, they tend to face intense pressure from their families who try to
dissuade them.”
At over 30 years of age, Abon is not yet married, but she said she was in a relationship with a man of average height.
“Even at that, we are facing pressure but we hope to overcome it,” she said.
Another dwarf, Mrs. Deborah Ogunka, lamented the challenges dwarfs
experience in getting married to taller persons, explaining that was why
she eventually decided to marry another dwarf.
Ogunka’s son has normal growth, but she admitted that she was a bit apprehensive before going into labour.
She said, “I did a scan, so I knew he was a boy, but I didn’t bother to ask if he would be short.”
Ogunka also said she has had to cope with so many derogatory
comments, but according to her, the worst discriminatory statement she
ever heard came from her neighbour, who said, “You people should not be
living in the cities, you should be living in the forest.”
She recalled, “Tears ran down my face that day; even now, I still cry every time I remember that statement.”
Mr. Victor Udochukwu Nwaogu is a 2008 Theatre Arts graduate from
the University of Ibadan, Oyo State. However, he was disappointed on two
occasions when he had got to the final stage of getting employed.
He said, “One was a federal job, while the other was a private job.
The moment they realise that I’m a dwarf, everything changes.”
Nwaogu said dwarfs need platforms to enable their integration into
the society. According to him, such platforms could be by engaging
dwarfs in the public sphere or by giving them important
He argued that such platforms, along with enlightenment programmes
to debunk cultural myths, would gradually give dwarfs the opportunities
needed for proper integration.
He said, “There are very few educated dwarfs because of issues of
self consciousness. But a platform for dwarfs to play active roles in
the society will encourage more dwarfs to be educated.
“People tend to look down on physically or specially-challenged
people, but an able-bodied person can become physically challenged
tomorrow, so it is important that issues affecting people in the society
are addressed.”
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