
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Real Reason Afghan Woman was beaten to death

More details have emerged regarding the gruesome death of an Afghan woman who was savagely beaten in the streets of Kabul..
Contrary to reports that she burnt a Koran,new reports claim she was murdered because she spoke out against a controversial local cleric..
Farkhunda, 27, was pushed from a roof, run over by a car and set on fire before her body was thrown in the Kabul River - in full view of several policeman - last Thursday.

It was initially claimed that the crowd had beaten the religious scholar to death because she had burned a copy of the Koran - an accusation even senior police officials admitted they believed to be false after detaining 18 people over the murder and suspending 13 police officers.
Now witnesses have come forward to claim that Farkhunda was in fact murdered because she dared to question the superstitious practices of a local mullah who was known for selling charms to women outside a shrine in central Kabul.
Based on their lies, people decided Farkhunda was not a Muslim and beat her to death,' Mohammed Nadir told AP.
The policeman who saw the incident, Sayed Habid Shah, said Farkhunda had denied setting the Koran on fire.
'She said I am a Muslim and Muslims do not burn the Koran,' he said. 'As more people gathered, the police were trying to push them away, but it got out of control,' he added.
Within minutes the crowd began to savagely beat Farkhunda, and ended up pushing her from a roof, running her over with a car and setting her on fire before throwing her body in the Kabul River

An official investigator has admitted there was absolutely no evidence Farkhunda burned the Koran.
'Last night I went through all documents and evidence once again, but I couldn't find any evidence to say Farkhunda burnt the Holy Koran,' General Mohammad Zahir said at her funeral on Sunday.
'Farkhunda was totally innocent.'
Police say they have detained 18 people over the incident, and expect to be arresting more peoppe over the coming days.
13 policemen have also been suspended for failing to stop the murder taking place.

Culled from Mailonline

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