These are jaw-dropping pics taken by a group of daredevil tourists in Norway..In the photos taken between a mountain cervice on the edge of the Kjerag mountain in Rogaland, Norway, is situated more than 3,500ft above sea level..
It is a popular photo spot for thrill-seekers willing to risk their lives for a memorable holiday photo.
Software developer Ronny Randen, 39, took the photos while he was travelling with five friends to climb Preikestolen..He told Mailoline
‘During our visit if was a rainy, and the boulder was actually a bit slippery. There's a little path on the left side where you can jump onto the rock.
‘It's hard to describe the feeling of standing on the boulder. After walking up the mountains YOURlegs are a bit tired, and the idea of jumping onto, and balancing on, a slippery boulder hanging above a fjord seems like a really bad idea.
‘But, to be honest, it's not hard GETTINGout there, and it is well worth it.’The whole experience was so breathtaking and just looking at the images now really takes me back there.
‘It's not a place you go very often as it's a bit remote, but it's such an amazing piece of art from nature that it is definitely worth going.’
*STOP* *STOP* *STOP* WARNING! This warning could be the last warning that you may receive if you make mistake tomorrow. Make sure you go out to vote even if its not convenient for you as a Christian. You could be the last Christian if you vote for that party. That papa tried to Islamise Nigerian in 1984 when he over-thrown that govt in 31st Dec, 1983, he couldn't succeed back then, now he's here again, make sure you do your best that he did not get there, else, your Christian faith will be challenged beyond your imagination, this is all I can tell you. Listen to this secret before you go out to vote tomorrow, download it here share it with everybody have a nice night rest.