Found this report on UK's Daily Mail about a Nigerian man named Frank Onyeachonam, who has been jailed for eight years in the UK for running a lottery scam
which targeted vulnerable pensioners, stole from $3,000 to $800,000 and
spent the money to fund his lavish lifestyle. Full story below..
A fraudster nicknamed 'Fizzy' because of his love of champagne has been jailed for eight years for conning vulnerable pensioners out of their life savings.
Frank Onyeachonam ran the UK end of global lottery scam that was orchestrated from his native Nigeria for seven years to fund his lavish millionaire’s lifestyle.
It involved hundreds of perpetrators in several countries, detectivessay.
While he bled them of their life savings, Onyeachonam enjoyed a life of fast carsIn the UK, 38-year-old Onyeachonam conned pensioners out of sums from £2,000 to £600,000, deliberately targeting his victims because they were potentially vulnerable to his tactics. Continue...

he posted on Facebook show he spent the cash on Gucci, Louis Vuitton
and Armani designer clothes, Rolex watches
, Porsches and Maseratis.

He even stuck wads of what look like £50 notes in his Buzz Lightyear toy.
of Canning Town, east London, was found guilty at the Old Bailey of
conspiracy to defraud following a three-week trial.
Emenyonu, 38, and Bernard Armah, 51, both of Wood Green, north London,
were also found guilty of money laundering. All three denied the
Emenyonu was jailed for 18 months while her partner Armah received an eight-month term.
Judge Rebecca Poulet QC, said there had been 'some very serious outcomes' for the victims caught up in the scam.
told married father-of-two Onyeachonam: 'I judge your culpability to be
very high. This was a very well thought out operation, sophisticated in
both its planning and its operation.
'Mr Onyeachonam, you targeted these individuals because they were elderly and likely to agree and be tricked by this scam.'
This was demonstrated in the fraudster’s own notes in which he described them as 'crippled, old or poor', she said.
Lavish lifestyle: A property in
Nigeria belonging to fraudster Frank Onyeachonam who has been jailed for
eight years at the Old Bailey
A regular in members' clubs
Onyeachonam's favourite drink was Ace of Spades champagne (pictured in
the door) costing between £300 and £500 a bottle. His fridge was also
stacked with Dom Pérignon (top shelf
left) and Moët & Chandon
(middle shelf)

harm that was caused to these people could not just be calculated in
financial terms but also on the 'dreadful impact ' on their lives,
mental capacity and relationships
with loved-ones.

judge went on: 'You contested the case in the face of powerful
evidence. You demonstrated the arrogance that you must have carried with
you throughout this fraud by continuing after you knew that the police
had raided your premises.'
ruse - known as an 'advance fee' fraud - saw Onyeachonam send victims
claiming they had won millions of pounds on a non-existent
Australian lottery and requesting a charge to release their winnings.

Onyeachonam was seen as the key figure in the UK but police suspect a criminal network was in place in several countries around the world
traced 14 victims - mainly from the U.S. but including one from Britain
- who were defrauded of a total of around £900,000.
believe this is the 'tip of the iceberg' with evidence
suggesting there may have been as many as 400 victims and the sum may be
as high as £30 million.

was seen as the key figure in the UK but police suspect a criminal
network was in place in several countries around the world. Authorities
found an alleged co-conspirator abroad had an email containing the
details of more than 100,000 potential victims.
believe this is the 'tip of
the iceberg' with evidence suggesting there may have been as many as
400 victims and the sum may be as high as £30 million

defendant was thought to have started working on the scam almost
immediately after he arrived in the UK from Nigeria in 2005, and was
said to have carried on into 2012 while he was on bail following his
arrest the year before.
crimes were uncovered in a three-year operation led by the National
Crime Agency with assistance from the Postal Inspection Service and
Internal Revenue Service
in the US.

they raided his luxury apartment in Canary Wharf police discovered an
'Aladdin’s cave' of evidence pointing to an advanced fee scam.
200 exhibits were notebooks containing the names, addresses, cash
tallies and other personal details relating to 406 people. Police
estimate that the fraud is likely to have run to at least £5 million and
possibly as high as £30 million if all those in the notebooks suffered

Partners in crime: Bernard Armah and
Lawrencia Emenyonu who were jailed for their part in a scam involving
fraudster Frank Onyeachonam
Steve Brown, senior officer in the NCA’s cyber crime unit, said the majority of Onyeachonam’s victims were from America.
is thought to have selected his targets from a database known among
fraudsters as a 'suckers list', which includes people who are believed
to be susceptible to the tactics.
Brown said: 'Victims were sent an email from an alias used by
Onyeachonam saying they had won an Australian lottery. They would be
directed to ring him and he would say ‘if you send me money I will then
release your lottery funds’.'
lottery ‘winnings’ ranged from £2 million to £9 million and once they
sent on cash
victims were 'hooked' into the 'unrelenting' scam, he said.

added: 'Once they’ve got their claws into someone they won’t stop. As
long as they keep sending them money they will keep going until there’s
nothing left.'
Onyeachonam, 38, of Canning Town, east London, was found guilty at the Old Bailey of conspiracy to defraud
the alias Dr Jeff Lloyds, Onyeachonam built up a rapport with his
victims and continued extracting money from some for as long as seven
order to make the required payments several victims took out high
interest loans, forcing them to come out of retirement to repay the
of those exploited by Onyeachonam suffered the added trauma of falling
under suspicion themselves as they were used as 'pawns' in the criminal
network to launder the proceeds of the fraud by sending on money from
other victims or setting up business accounts.
Brown said the scam had made a 'mental wreck' of victims, 'hammering'
their life’s savings, forcing them to lose their homes and leaving them
isolated from their friends and families.
showed victims pleaded with Onyeachonam to send them money to pay for
healthcare, while some died before he could be brought to justice.
British victim was left with debts of £90,000 and was forced to sell
her home, move into rented accommodation and return to work in an
attempt to stave off bankruptcy.
An American victim lost her dream home and she no longer speaks to her sister or friend.
She described how the scam made her feel like she had been 'raped over and over again'.
he left a trail of destitution and devastation in his wake, Onyeachonam
enjoyed the high life from the fruits of his deception.
Brown said he lived a 'cash rich' lifestyle, earning the nickname
'Fizzy' for his taste for expensive champagne. Photographs show him
surrounded by cash and bubbly in nightclubs.
car collection included Porsches and Maseratis while his Thames-side
flat was full of luxury brands such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton when it
was searched by police.
was the key figure as far as the 'UK nexus' was concerned but
detectives believe this was part of an international enterprise.
alleged mastermind or 'chairman' of the network is based in Nigerian
capital Lagos and he is currently under investigation by authorities
how many people were working on the global scam, Mr Brown said: 'Name a
country and there seems to be a connection. It’s been almost impossible
for us to track everybody down. They’ve all got responsibility for
their own country.'
The prosecution has moved for a confiscation hearing for Onyeachonam.
Culled from UK Daily Mail
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