Women who TALK BACK will be SINGLE FOREVER unless they learn to SUBMIT to a MAN
If you’re the type of woman who always has something smart mouthed to say, constantly speaking your mind when no one even asked your damn opinion in the first place, so quick to call a man out on something he did, told by males that you’re the type of woman who “loves to nag a man about what he isn’t doing right”, well then you are just everything life has to offer. You’re amazing young queen. You’re damn near perfect. You’re attractive as hell to a Mentality Mature Man. You’re just the type of woman a king wants, because a king wants a queen who can match his strength and speak life into him with her so-called smart mouth.
“So you like when your woman nags and talks back to you?” is a question I constantly get asked when I speak to large groups of young men.
“Women don’t nag, or bitch or “talk back”. It’s called communication. If you were the LEADER & KING of a Man you should be, your woman wouldn’t have to tell you what to do. Women don’t want to have to tell us as men what to do. Women want a man to be considerate, caring, romantic & mature without her even having to ask or tell him,” this is always my exact response to men who try to reduce a strong minded woman’s words to “nagging”. So when your woman calls you out on something you didn’t do right, don’t get defensive, don’t complain, just listen to what she is saying, say, “thank you for having my back babe,” then do what she said.”
I was blessed with the opportunity to speak to a group of young Black men being released from prison, and me speaking to them about how to understand a woman, one of the young brothers stood up and said,
“Smart mouthed women will be single forever, unless they learn to submit to a man and let him lead her. No man wants to wife another man. And all these females think just because she has a career and some degrees that somehow she’s better than a man, tryna play the role of a man don’t see they’re single for a reason, ’cause don’t nobody want her bougie ass. Don’t you think the man is meant to check his woman and not the other way around?”
“So you’re too proud to listen to what a woman tells you to do?” I retorted. “So let me get this straight, you don’t take orders from a woman, but you listen to everything your male friends and homies tell you to do, even if it’s illegal or counterproductive? Even if it will land you into a prison? Are you in a relationship with your homies or your woman?
How can you be so quick to argue with your woman, call her all out of her name, yet when your fake, manipulative male friends tell you to jump, you’re all like, “how high?” “For how long do you want me to jump bruh?” “Do you want me to jump to a rhythm or a beat? I mean because I can grab a jump rope and a Beats pill if you want me to.” How effeminate.
Constant arguing with a woman is NOT part of a relationship. That’s a lie. When you earn your Woman’s respect as a Mentally Mature Man, she may disagree with you, but she won’t argue with you. Converse with her, don’t argue with her. Listen to her, don’t ignore her. And can we as men stop acting like a Strong Minded Woman who speaks her mind is a bad thing? what, do you want a weak minded little girl? You want a push over? If you do, it’s because you’re a weak minded little boy yourself, un-aroused by the femininity of a strong woman.
There is nothing more attractive to a Strong Man than a strong minded woman, who will speak her mind, not bite her tongue & tell him when he is wrong. I don’t want a yes woman. I don’t want a female who will agree with me & tell me what she thinks I want to hear, because she is scared to lose me. That’s not love. I need someone to keep it REAL with me. Be blunt. Tell me the truth I NEED to hear. Speak life into me. I respect a woman who loves a man so much, she will tell him he is wrong to his face, because she loves his soul & wants to help mature it.
It’s very unmanly for us to as men complain about a Woman’s mouth, because in reality, she’s articulating advice to help us mature from being merely a MALE into being a MAN. I will tell you the secret to getting your woman to treat you like a king & cater to you. If you BEHAVE like a king, she will TREAT you like a king. However, if you behave like a jester, she will treat you like a joker and laugh at the very thought of you. Women who speak their mind aren’t “trying to be a man” or “trying to wear the pants in a relationship.” No, she just refuses to be lead by a weak coward of a male.
Even the strongest, so-called Craziest Woman, who talks back & has a smart mouth, will shut up & listen with respect, when she finally meets a Strong Man who commands respect with his mature actions.
Never complain about a Woman’s mouth, or tell her to shut up, or say she’s being over emotional. No, she’s just EXPRESSING her deepest feelings. It’s already hard for her to open up to you & let down her wall. She thinks all day about her connection with you, how you will react to her expressing herself to you. It even keeps her up nights thinking about us. She lies in bed and replays scenarios in her mind, like “why does he always treat me like that?” “If I do things like this and say it in this way, will he treat me better?”
So when she finally opens up to you, don’t belittle her. Don’t tell her she’s “trippin” or that she’s too emotional, over reacting, acting like she’s on her period, being bipolar. No. If you love your woman, listen to your woman. So the two of you can connect deeper, grow closer & vibe together.
I have to be honest & admit as a Man, I am WRONG when I cannot fully LISTEN to a woman as she expresses her feelings to me, rather it be a girlfriend, one of my sisters, my mother or even my younger nieces. If she is telling me how she feels, I can NOT disregard her feelings and try to explain why she is wrong. That is being INCONSIDERATE. When you LOVE a woman, it’s not about what’s right or wrong, it’s about making her COMFORTABLE & feel respected at all times.
We’re so quick as men to keep a woman sexually stimulated, which is great, but we have to remember to keep her EMOTIONALLY stimulated at all times by just listening to her. Don’t just HEAR her, LISTEN meaning you actually comprehend & take in her words so it makes you a better man.
Women with a smart mouth & attitude make the sweetest, caring loyal & most down for you girlfriends. Trust me young kings.
She’s not a “stuck up bitch”, she’s just protecting herself from pain. She makes it hard for guys to get to know her, because she has been hurt too many times, heart stepped on & ripped apart. So she ripped out her own heart, put it in the palm of her hand, and made a fist with it, to fight & protect herself against males who try to break it.
Don’t give up chasing her young king. Keep proving yourself loyal. Don’t tell her you’re “different” than other guys. No. Women get so tired of hearing that same lie. SHOW her you’re different with your actions. Don’t complain about her trust issues; destroy them with your loyalty.
Don’t call her “insecure”. Cut off all your side females & be willing to faithfully commit yourself to her. Rip out your own heart, & give it to her on a silver platter. Then she will open up her fist & give you her heart. Put your heart in her chest, put a crown on your head 👑 & be your QUEEN, once you prove with your loyalty to be a KING.
Just because a Woman has a smart mouth, temper or attitude, does NOT mean she isn’t a sweet girl. Some males consider a woman “Bipolar” because she can be smiling when upset, or laugh while she is telling someone off, but I call her real. A woman, who’s been through so much, can give you so much, because deep down, they are caring & loyal. Once you earn her respect, she will do ANYTHING for you.
Young kings, please do not confuse this type of woman with “wanting to ACT like a man” or “playing a man’s role”. It’s not her fault she’s mentally stronger than all the males she’s ever met. She’s not MEAN or HARD it’s just she’s not about to be submissive to a weak man. Once she sees you’re STORNG enough to be the MAN, she will respect you & never speak smart mouthed to you, unless she wants you to be romantically aggressive with her at that particular time.
My EX was a Black and Puerto Rican aspiring actress who used to shake when she was mad, like she was shivering, pound the table & bawl up her fist when she was mad at a girl. Honestly, a woman with a lil temper is attractive to me as a strong minded man. I used to find pleasure in calming my Ex down & taking her anger away. I learned DEEP down, that crazy angry girl is really a sweet caring, loving & loyal girl who has been through so much pain & hurt.
I’m attracted to Crazy women. No really. I’m serious. Sanity is unattractive on a woman. This world doesn’t make sense to her, because her spirit is not from it, and the beautiful thoughts in her mind are beyond it. When I say I’m attracted to “crazy women” I don’t mean “psycho” crazy. I mean impervious women with an “IDGAF” type attitude. This world considers a woman who thinks DEEP and has her own mind “crazy”. Just 100 years ago, in the United States, women were treated like property. They were sold from their father to a man who paid the highest “dowry” for her. Women have always been treated as worse than slaves in this country, which is why our society loves to label Intelligent Women who think for their selves as “crazy”, to perpetuate this misconception that women are the weaker sex. Well, if she’s crazy for having her own mind, then I’m crazy about her.
A Woman’s past pain can make her seem crazy or have an attitude, but DEEP down, she is a genuine, caring woman who wants so badly to trust. She just needs a strong, trustworthy man to bring it out of her. Be that young king, & you’ll see you don’t have to look hard to FIND a queen. All you have to do is think as a king & you will bring the queen OUT of her, trust.
A Good Girl with trust issues is not crazy or over emotional. She has just been through so much. You don’t know how hard it is for her to met a guy, fall in love, finally trust him, only to get her heart shattered to pieces by his disloyalty, because he was only playing the role of a good man. So then, she has to pick up all those pieces only to met a guy again & go through the same thing over & over like a never ending nightmare.
You don’t know growing up her mother treated her like crap & put Men over her own daughter. Her mother never acknowledged any of the things she did, never showed her unconditional love & care, always putting her down & calling her names. You don’t know family & friends who she trusted, stabbed her in the back, let money come between them & proved to be disloyal.
All that I know and understand about women I cannot take credit for. All I know I was taught by my sisters and my mother, which is why I don’t mind putting in hard work to EARN a so-called smart mouthed, strong minded woman’s trust by proving myself trustworthy. We can’t hold it against her. PROVE you deserve her trust & I promise she will give you her ALL.
I mos def respect any Woman who speaks her mind, Regardless of what the hell anyone has to say about it or thinks about it. A strong minded woman is commendable. Any man who can’t respect a strong minded woman like that, it’s because he’s an insecure, weak minded male. You may be physically strong, but if you can’t be strong enough to humble yourself and listen to a woman, it shows the weakness in you. A strong man will want his woman just as strong & confident as he is.
Being a MAN to a woman is not just about throwing down heavydick in bed. It’s also about being her strength, being understanding and emotionally supportive to her. Don’t call her a crazy bitch, just because she reacts with a smart mouth. Don’t call her over emotional just because she may get irritated easily. As men, let’s be MORE understanding of a loyal woman.
Understand when she’s on her period, it feels like her insides are being shoved through a garbage disposal. Understand the SLIGHTEST touch can hurt her, piercing her skin like a dozen knives, so be gentle with her. It hurts, so much, sometimes she lays on her floor crying and gripping & biting her pillows, so stop calling her crazy or over emotional.
You may think “eww why should I give a damn about her period.” We’ll let me tell you why, if it wasn’t for a woman’s period, no man would be alive. That’s how you were brought into their world. Your mother’s 28-day menstruation cycle was the spiritual life force that helped a woman, your mother, birth you, so if you don’t respect your woman, at least respect that.
We have to learn to be more understanding of a woman. Be supportive when she can’t see you on sudden notice, she’s not being a FLAKE, women have a dozen appointments to attend yearly, like her Pap smear test, GYN trips, it’s our job to be supportive of her, never yelling at her or complaining about her actions.
You can actually earn a woman’s trust so much, that’s she’s smart mouthed with everyone but you. Be spontaneous. Constantly show her something NEW. Do things for her without her even having to ask or tell you young king. Pay attention. A woman will tell you EXACTLY what she likes. All we have to do is pay attention. Make her feel special, not like she constantly has to compete with other women for our attention. Don’t show these honeys on Instagram more time & attention than you show her. Show CONSISTENCY & EFFORT. Women are nurturers by nature. She just wants to know she has our full undivided attention, so she can let go of her wall & give us her all.
The reason why I’m attracted to Women who have an Attitude, Women who talk back, speak their mind, have a sharp tongue, who some call “CRAZY”, because I know how to handle a Strong Minded Woman. Those are the most loving, caring, solid, and faithful women to have. She is only that way, to PROTECT herself from snakes who take her kindness for weakness. Because when she loves, she loves HARD.
Don’t let a strong Woman scare you away young king. She’s been through a lot, more than you could even imagine. We must be Patient with her. Once she meets a Strong Man who knows how to take control & can PROVE to her with his actions he is trustworthy & LOYAL, she’ll let us in and work on her disposition. But, if we want our woman to grow for us, we must be willing to grow for her.
Never tell your woman this “Why are you always tryna change me! Love me for who I am! I’m a man!” Nah, see if you were a Strong Man, you would know age doesn’t make you a man, mental maturity makes you a man. Being humble enough to change for your woman makes you a man. If you’re unwilling to change with and GROW with your woman, you lack the strength to be a man.
You were put here to be her ROCK and she was created for you, to MOLD that rock into a sculpted man through her wisdom. She’s not trying to “change you”, she just wants to GROW with you. If you always get angry, mad, frustrated or yell when your woman corrects you, you’re not a mature man. You’re a sassy little boy; quit being so sassy with your woman. Else she will hit you with “girl calm down” then say, “oops, my bad babe.” What happened was you were behaving so unmanly, for a split second; your behavior reminded her of one of her immature girlfriends.
What kind of Man snaps at his woman & throws a tantrum when he’s corrected? A STRONG man is secure enough in his manhood to be corrected & lead by a woman he knows LOVES him. She can help mold you into a LEADER for her & your children she blesses you with. If you’re unwilling to change and GROW for your woman, you lack the strength to be a man. Iron sharpens iron. Let your strong woman be the iron to mentality sharpens your iron. If you’re not willing to change for your woman, don’t be surprised when her feelings for you change.”
This is the message I give to young kings when I speak to groups of men. But I make sure I tell them that being open to growing for a woman is not something he should do for all females. Some females do not deserve a young king, because she isn’t strong enough to make him a better man. She will just say and do anything to keep him around, even if that means allowing him to stay immature. A woman who loves a man may do things he doesn’t like, speak smart mouthed or behave a little jealous at times, but that does not take away from her worth.
I try not to hold a woman being emotional or jealous against her, because in a way, she’s just showing me she cares. Some women are too shy to come right out & say,
“I want you, and I want you to want ONLY me. I don’t want any other girl to have you. I don’t want you “talking” to other girls. Flirting with other girls, texting other girls, seeing you like thousands of girls’ pictures every day on Instagram activity feed. I want loyalty. Even though we don’t have a title yet, I want you to be faithful to me, because in my mind there’s no me, no you, just US.”
That’s how women really feel, so as men, we have to think long & hard before we plant feelings into a Woman’s heart by making her think we like her if we have no intention of brings those seeds of emotions we plant in her heart to fruition. I feel as though every young king deserves a queen. Likewise, I feel every loyal woman deserves her dream man, but she may not have him yet, because she’s holding back her inner queen.
If you’re afraid to speak your mind & tell me when I’m wrong, you’re not ready for a serious relationship with a mentality mature man. Speak your mind. Call me on my B.S. Make me a better man! If I love you, I’ll change for you. I need a strong minded woman, Not a scary, ass little girl. Don’t do what you think I want; don’t say what you think I want to hear. Let me hear that smart mouth. Let me hear that dry wit. Stop thinking one response to my words in your head, but only saying what you think the world wants to hear come out of your lips. I just want you to realize you don’t have to be afraid to be a strong minded woman.
You don’t have to hold back or down play your strength to get a man. You don’t have to hide the fact that you’re educated, professional, and successful or right about something in the presence of a man just to get one to “accept you”. It is not you who needs to be accepted. You are amazing young queen. It is us as men who need to learn how to treasure you more.
Your insecurities are NOT a bad thing.
Your flaws are NOT a deal breaker.
Your trust issues are temporary.
If you are my queen, it is my job as your rock to DESTROY all that by showering you with my loyalty and consistency.
Be possessive. Be passionate. Be smart mouthed. Be a little crazy. Be yourself. It shows you CARE. Love isn’t perfect, so you don’t have to be perfect, but I promise you young queen, your love is WORTH it; trust.
By: Ebrahim Aseem
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