
Monday, 26 November 2012

Saudi Arabian women now monitored by tracking device

Queen of Saudi Arabia 

Despite bring ranked by a global survey as the No 1 suppressor of women in the world,Saudi Arabia seems to be doing nothing to cleanup that image as they have just introduced a new device that automatically sends text messages to women’s husbands letting them know when their women are either entering or leaving the country. 

Since last week, Saudi women's male guardians began receiving text messages on their phones informing them when women under their custody leave the country, even if they are travelling together
 Their reason for this is that,most women would consider running away from the country due to teh stringent conditions put in place.
Prior to this,for a woman to travel out of Saudi,she needed permission from her male guardian ad had to present an infamous yellow document to airport security.
This is serious ooh
Saudi Arabia boasts of some of the world's most beautiful women
(Fathima Kulsum Zohar Godabarisw is the queen of Saudi Arabia and considered the world's most beautiful woman)

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