
Tuesday, 13 November 2012

California Passes Bill To Allow Use Of Google’s Driverless Cars

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The state of Carlifornia has passed a bill which allows the usage of Google’s driverless car on the state’s public roads.
Governor Jerry Brown rode to the signing ceremony at Google headquarters in the passenger seat of a vehicle that steered itself, a Prius modified by Google. Google co-founder Sergey Brin and State Senator Alex Padilla, who sponsored the bill, were along for the ride. An engineer for the technology company, Chris Urmson, sat in the driver’s seat, but the car drove itself.
“We’re looking at science fiction becoming tomorrow’s reality,” Brown said just before signing the bill.
Google has been working on self-driving technology since 2010, including testing a fleet of self-driving cars along California roadways.
Google’s driverless cars rely on video cameras, radar sensors, lasers and a database of information collected from manually driven cars to help navigation, according to the company.

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