Healthy relationships aren’t just about avoiding the wrong kind of person.
Healthy relationships are involves two people, each becoming the best they can be for themselves, and for one another.
But in actual sense and reality, you are responsible for the kind of person you date and this is why i would suggest that you carefully watch out for the kind of person you date.
So, here are 10 type of girls you should NEVER date
- The barbie girl
This is that type of girl that’s “too-perfect-to-be-real”, and that’s because she probably isn’t. This type of girl wants to look inch perfect every time; it takes her 3 hours to get ready, she spends a lot of time looking into the mirror, the tons of make-up on her face.
Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a woman looking presentable, true beauty never starts on the outside, it always runs so much deeper.
- The flirtatious girl
This type of girls will win you over with her seductive looks and flattering words. But in the actual sense, you’ll start noticing is that herFLIRTING
isn’t limited to just you.

It is the same way she glances at the waiter, or the way she looks and giggles flirtatiously at your friends jokes.
- The i’m sexy and I know it girl
Self-confidence is an admirable trait in a woman and every man loves a confident woman.
In this case, this type of woman feels so insecure about herself, that she uses her body to gain affirmation from men.In other words, she flaunts her body to anyone who’s willing to look. But for men, one of the most attractive things about a relationship with a woman is the assurance of that woman being “only his”.
- The nothin’ in there but air girl
One of the most beautiful things about the early stages of relationship is the mystery involved. Little by little you get to know your partner, revealing heart, mind, soul and spirit. But in this case, the more you know this woman, you’ll realize that…there isn’t too much there! This is the kind of woman who hasn’t really taken the time to know herself, know her beliefs, or know what she feels or thinks. She seems to be ok with your preferences, your beliefs and even your interests. While her default attitude to everything about you may seem like it makes life easy at first, the lack of depth in the relationship will definitely wear you down.
- The gold-digger girl
This is a type of girl who doesn’t love or want you for who you are, but instead she want or loves what you have. She loves your car, she loves your job etc. But doesn’t really like you.
She will take all she can get from you, and give very little back in return because she is not looking for a concrete relationship.
- The overly critical girl
This is the worst of all the types of women you could date. She complains constantly, very annoying, and just too problematic!!
This type of girl leaves you doubting your sanity, questioning your value, your significance, and worth.She will never appreciate you but instead always seeing something to criticise you about.
- The bossy girl
This type of girl tends to manage you instead of managing the relationship. She’ll always have an opinion; about how you should spend your money, where you should go, and maybe even how you should change your personality. The thing about this woman is that she’s a control-freak.
- The doubtful girl
A woman like this will only mess your heart up, because she doesn’t really know what she wants.
One moment she’s into you, and the other moment she’s confused and wants to take it slow. Do well for yourself by re-evaluating your stand in the relationship.Healthy relationships are marked by peace, not by constant doubt and regret.
- The all about me girl
This is a type of girl who thinks the relationships are all-about-her. She has a wrong approach to relationships and she still thinks its the right approach.
Sometimes this is as a result of upbringing, some are brought up that way by their parents while some may have caught the idea from their religious circle.. In other words- she expects you to do all the work, and to put in all the effort while she sits back and reaps the rewards. The best relationships are made of two people- each committing and giving their best to one another.
10. The drama girl
This type of girl is called the drama queen. She takes her drama everywhere she goes, and she tells you all about it.
The truth is, her being a drama queen is not the problem but the fact that she has that mentality, where she believes she has to be right always and everyone else wrong. This type of girl is to be avoided as she will easily translate the same idea into her relationship and before you know it, and will not be willing to accept or take responsibility for any of her actions or whatever goes on in the relationship.
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