Scientists have successfully grown penises in a laboratory and say they could be tested on humans within five years, North Carolina, USA.

The laboratory grown penises could help men who have suffered a SERIOUS INJURY
to the region, had radical surgery for cancer or who have a congenital abnormality

The work is being carried out the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. The same team of researchers declared they had successfully grown vaginas in a laboratory and IMPLANTED
them into four teenage patients.

The new organs were given to women born with a rare genetic condition in which the vagina and uterus are underdeveloped or absent. The treatment could also potentially be applied to patients with vaginal cancer or injuries.
To avoid the body rejecting the lab-grown organ, the penises would be made using cells from each individual patient’s body. This would be done by taking cells from what remains of the man’s penis and growing these in culture for up to six weeks.
The current option involves reconstructing the penis using skin from the arm or the thigh – with a pump to help a man obtain an erection. If the engineered penises proved to be successful, they would be a huge leap forward in the sophistication of treatments offered to men who have suffered injury or suffered a disease such as penile cancer.
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