Rightwing columnist Ann Coulter renown for her racist articles and
vilification of immigrants as criminals on Wednesday wrote a very
offensive article targeted at Nigerians.
In the article 'to speak to a Nigerian Prince about your healthcare, press '1' now',
Ann basically says criminals are running the Obamacare website and most
of them Nigerians. The column attacks the Obama administration for
allowing the federal government to hire health care “navigators” without
requiring them to pass a criminal background check. See an excerpt of
what she wrote about Nigerians after the cut:
This week we found out that the tens of thousands of "navigators" hired by the government to enroll people in Obamacare will include convicted felons.
Despite some "navigators" having already been exposed as having arrest warrants against them, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has no plans to screen out the criminals.
Nigeria, for example, leads the world in criminal enterprises. Every level of Nigerian society is criminal, with the smart ones running Internet scams, the mid-range ones running car theft rings, and the stupid ones engaging in piracy and kidnapping. At the University of Lagos, you can major in credit card fraud.
There were almost no Nigerians in the United States until the 1970s. Today, there are nearly 250,000 Nigerians in the U.S. (committing the cyber-crime Americans just won't do!). In 2011, we took in more immigrants from Nigeria than from the United Kingdom (9,246 from the U.K. and 9,344 from Nigeria).
Yahoo posted the full article on Wednesday. Click HERE to read.
SMH at the ignorance of this foolish, renown racist writer.
Do leave your comments and tweet at her @AnnCoulter on twitter.
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