
Tuesday, 26 February 2013

I am rich and famous,forget about the face people-Bance

Aristide Bance the popular player for Burkina Faso national team has responded to those calling him ugly. He captioned his latest photo “Rich and Famous.Forget about the face people”
In the picture, Bance was standing right in front of a classy BMW jeep and wearing designer clothes. It would be recalled that pictures of the soccer star was circulated on social networks durning the last African cup of Nations (AFCON) in South Africa with some people calling him ugliest person durning the tournament.

bance burkina faso playerAbdullateef Abdulsalam, one of those who commented on the picture wrote “Are they his creator. He is not ugly, and never has God created ugly creations. It is man ugly heart that created ugliness out of God perfection. What ugly about Aristide Bance is that hair style. That hair style do not befit his good face so he should do away with it”
“Secondly, his response is immature because it only give people opportunity to make fun of his face. I expected him to say, “If I am ugly as you people say, then I do not think I am, because an ugly heart can never admire a beautiful creation. God is beautiful and perfect, therefore, whatever He create is beautiful, so I am handsomely beautiful.”
Kasim Putme responded by saying “If you check out world history, most heroes and people who make impact are not pretty nor gorgeous. Check out kohl, Gorbachev,Merkel,Johnson-Sirleaf,Obasanjo,Putin,Bush,Gadaffi etc.None is fine looking but were great”

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